2016 in review

Here we are...at our first year mark looking back on what has come to pass and what we are looking forward to. A yearly ritual of mine and now we are doing it in the context of our studio/store on Beacon Hill. 

It has been a really interesting year getting to know a neighborhood we have lived in for 11 years but never on street level like having a retail store allows. We have meet some really incredible people, and have been supported by our neighborhood and those from across Seattle and beyond. Observing behavior, shopping habits and what brings people back has been like studying social science. Creating a place of community and collaboration has been the most satisfying so far. Finding out after just one year what works, what sells and what we now feel we can put into a worthy mission statement feels good.

Letting go of the old and ringing in the new is what is on our minds. How do we move forward in a world so saturated with too much; too many clothes, too many things, too much of everything. Our ethos has changed, our mission is different. We are looking at what is the most important thing to do and yet stay creative and engaged in what we love.  That has been the burning question. Our commitment to doing what is right for the planet is number one! So this year we will be looking at what and where we source our materials. We are committed to using organic and local as much as possible, and we are, as always committed to paying a living wage to local manufactures. We are in the works with a mini up-cycled line which we have done for years but not for other people...

Our continued commitment to providing a beautiful gallery space for emerging artists to exhibit remains strong with monthly art exhibits already in full swing.  Our monthly markets, which will now be 'theme' based, begin with a fabulous jewelry line up on the first Saturday in February...and last but not least (and not really last), is our collaboration with other organizations and artists to share our space, bringing the arts to many, remains a key commitment for this coming year. 

So...stay tuned, stay informed, and remain vigilant against mediocrity...