The first week of November brings Eco Fashion week to its first event in Seattle. Eco Fashion week has been happening with great success in Vancouver, BC for the past six years and they decided to bring it to Seattle this year!
We have participated in our own shows and two other local shows, but pulled way back over the past couple of years because what was happening just didn't seem like a good fit for us. This show and the people behind it are really doing something right. They are bringing to the fore what is going on in fashion, how it affects our daily lives, the enviornment and the people who produce our clothing. This hits to the core of what we are all about. Small batch, locally produced, living wages and as little impact as possible.
ECO FASHION WEEK - November 2/3, 2016 at Canvas in Sodo. Tickets on sale soon.
Photographer: Miles Fortune / instagram: @miles_fortune /
Stylist: Rosie Bowker / instagram: @rosiebowker /
Hair and Makeup: Jamyrlyn Mallory / instagram: @jamyrlyn_mua /
Talent: Sarah at Heffner /